
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Horny-cons vindicated 

Breaking news:

"Research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in the United States has found a strong link between people's happiness and the amount of sex they have.

"Although the research also shows that people with high incomes are happier than people with low incomes, it found that there is no relationship between people's earnings and the amount of sex they have.

"It is not money but quantity that counts. Happiest are those who have sex more than four times a week. They are about 6 per cent of the population. Unhappiest are the 22 per cent of people in the study of 16,000 Americans who didn't have sex at all in the previous year.

"However, the relationship between sex and happiness does not extend to the number of sexual partners a person has a year.

"The more sexual partners one has (several respondents to the survey reported more than 100 in the past year), the unhappier."
Lots of monogamous sex as a recipe for happiness - such results are bound to bring some cheer to "horny conservatives".

After Rod Dreher's discovery of "crunchy conservatives" some two years ago (they're into organic food, elite culture and "authenticity"), his National Review colleague Jonah Goldberg took him to task for falling for the old lefty stereotype of the right as dumb, joyless, boring, and homogeneous, and thus underestimating the variety within the movement (in effect Dreher has built a straw conservative). Goldberg chided: "what's to stop future NR cover stories about that rogue fifth column of conservatives who 'actually enjoy sex'?" Well Jonah, an idea whose time has come?

As for the original story, the National Bureau of Economic Research proudly boasts that "twelve of the 31 American Nobel Prize winners in Economics and three of the past Chairmen of the President's Council of Economic Advisers have been researchers at the NBER." All I can say that in a think-tank, which routinely publishes papers such as "Dealing with Destabilizing 'Market Discipline'" and "The Value of Phased Retirement", someone must have finally thought: "Fuck this, let's research something fun!"

One other thing: since the left champions egalitarianism and redistributing wealth, I'm waiting for the champions of the oppressed to use this latest research to call for government programs to redistribute sex in order to achieve a more just spread of happiness across our society. If that ever comes to be, it's going to be another sad example of the government robbing Bill to pay Hillary.


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