
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

"Portrait of a man with a cigar" ca 2004, attributed to Simmie Knox 

A meteorite bearing deadly alien germs of political good-will and bi-partisanship had struck Washington DC causing considerable damage and a lot of indigestion. Following last week's glowing and heart-felt farewells to the Gipper by the people who didn't think too much of him while he was still alive, this dangerous trend continues today, as Bill Clinton discovers you don't necessarily have to die for your opponents to be nice to you.

This from President Bush, on the occasion of unveiling Clinton's portrait in the White House:

"The years have done a lot to clarify the strengths of this man. As a candidate for any office, whether it be the state attorney general or the president, Bill Clinton showed incredible energy and great personal appeal. As chief executive, he showed a deep and far-ranging knowledge of public policy, a great compassion for people in need, and the forward-looking spirit the Americans like in a president. Bill Clinton could always see a better day ahead -- and Americans knew he was working hard to bring that day closer."
I was hoping that for the decency's sake Clinton would have been painted from the waist up, but apparently not.

Meanwhile the artist, Simmie Knox, says that "he feels a special connection to Clinton because the two men grew up poor in the South." Or as "Atlanta Constitution-Journal" puts it "Clinton, artist share roots". I would certainly hope not (unfortunately only available by subscription only, but check it here). Mr Knox has also previously painted a portrait of Hillary Clinton. I'm led to believe that the two paintings won't be sharing a common residence, particularly once the former First Lady does find out about those shared roots.


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