
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Around the world in 34 blogs 

That time of the week again, to check out what friends of Chrenk around the world are blogging about - and while you're at it, if you have an interesting and insightful post you want to share, why not let me know?

In Australia, election blogging continues. Tim Blair thinks that Mark Latham might still win.

Azazel at Boils my Blood declares the current Australian election to the "most boring election ever."

The Currency Lad writes: "Protestor Carina Kastan flashed her breasts at the Prime Minister today, telling reporters later 'that is how war is.' If I'd known combat consisted of ogling topless chicks smeared in greasy substances and generally wiggling around in front of me, well - I might have joined up."

Man of Lettuce conducts an opinion poll while driving a cab.

The bombing in Jakarta gets the Swanker to reflect on Indonesia, Islam, and terrorism.

Mike Jericho needs a man - or men. He's starting a new blog for... you've guessed it - men.

In the United States, the Powerline guys continue to dig through the rubble of CBS headquarters after the suicide bombing by Dan Rather Martyrs Brigade. Sample here, here, and here.

Blackfive has a letter from a Marine in Iraq that's well worth reading. He's also celebrating his millionth visitor. Congrats!

Daniel Drezner writes about how as a blogger he's not interested at all in "Swift Boats, Kitty Kelley, typewriter fonts et al."

Dean Esmay has another son on the way (another congratulations!) and is going to name him Draco.

Vodka Pundit writes about predicting and managing civil wars.

Winds of Change are running the new "Winds of War", and for something totally different, "New Energy Currents."

Iowahawk offers slogans for the Kerry campaign (hilarious, just keep scrolling down the post till you get there).

Patterico doesn't think the Congressional hearings on Rathergate are a good idea.

Pieter at Peaktalk debates strategy in Iraq.

Peeve Farm: "Nary a week goes by without someone in England or Canada or somewhere e-mailing me to tell me, quite earnestly, that 'Bush has created a climate of fear in your country'... Remember, this is the America we live in today: where the "climate of fear" is felt primarily by those who try to figure out how to put up a memorial flag without making it a target for hoodlums and vandals."

My Pet Jawa rounds up reactions of the vast left-wing blogospheric conspiracy to the CBS memos.

Baldilocks writes that the mainstream media and moonbats simply don't understand the military culture. Bunker Mulligan has similar thoughts.

Brain Shavings muses on the "kidnap spam" meme.

Solomonia writes on the use and abuse of images in the Middle East conflict.

The Southern Conservative writes an angry letter to the editor at his local paper.

The Diplomad sees Canada going down and Australia going up.

Pacetown writes about scientific and unscientific opinion polls.

In Europe, Blithering Bunny has got a fantastic, link-rich, ever-evolving timeline of the Rathergate scandal.

Barcepundit continues to hound the Spanish daily El Pais for that sick S11 ad, and even lives to see an apology from the newspaper.

Southern Watch reports on the resurrection of the Axis of Weasels/Old Europe.

Tomas Kohl is 28 - the writer, not the blog (otherwise it would have started off being typed on an old IBM typewriter). Happy birthday.

In Asia, Simon World, as always, brings us a round-up of what Asian blogs are writing about this week.

In the Middle East, Iraq the Model provides valuable public service yet again by translating comments on the BBC Arabic forum on the third anniversary of S11.

Zeyad at Healing Iraq throws in his five cents into the debate about patterns of violence in Iraq. He also has an interesting post about conspiracy theories in the Islamic world.

Israellycool writes in the best and the worst of blogs.

In Africa, Ethiopundit ventures outside home territory with some interesting thoughts on North Korea's nuclear plans.

And as always, don't forget to check out Homespun Bloggers and their work.


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