Saturday, June 04, 2005
Food for Oil - food for thought
Congratulations to Claudia Rosett for receiving the seventh annual Eric Breindel Award for Excellence in Journalism. The award recognizes "the columnist, editorialist or reporter whose work best reflects the spirit of writings by Eric Breindel: Love of country and its democratic institutions as well as the act of bearing witness to the evils of totalitarianism" - and Claudia, no surprises, is this year's recipient thanks to her tireless work to expose and publicize the Food for Oil scandal.
As the commentariat and the journalistic world go ape this week over the self-unmasking of the Deep Throat, Oil for Food is one scandal that is still awaiting its own highly-placed whistleblower - or, for that matter, still awaiting the interest of the nation's investigative journalists. So far, Claudia Rosett has had little competition, which makes her work particularly stand out, just as it makes the mainstream media silence - and by silence I don't mean lack of reporting, but lack of independent effort to uncover the truth - particularly glaring.
As the commentariat and the journalistic world go ape this week over the self-unmasking of the Deep Throat, Oil for Food is one scandal that is still awaiting its own highly-placed whistleblower - or, for that matter, still awaiting the interest of the nation's investigative journalists. So far, Claudia Rosett has had little competition, which makes her work particularly stand out, just as it makes the mainstream media silence - and by silence I don't mean lack of reporting, but lack of independent effort to uncover the truth - particularly glaring.